
Is Meso injection (Mesotherapy) really as safe and effective as rumored?

The secret of Mesotherapy (What spas don’t want to reveal)

🔑 Mesotherapy (Micro-application meso injection) is an ideal, minimally invasive method to solve the root of dermatological problems. By injecting valuable active ingredients directly into the dermis, it provides nutrients to the skin or creates biological stimulation to help the skin grow. However, the abuse of Meso injections as well as excessive marketing tricks caused many people have too high expectations and be disappointed. Let’s explore the nature of this method with Lunaria Skin Lab!


What is mesotherapy?

Born in 1952 in France, Mesotherapy has been widely applied and won the trust of many skin care “followers” because of its safety – high effectiveness – reasonable cost in the present time.

Mesotherapy, also known as Meso micro-injection, is a treatment method that uses a very small amount of medicine or nutrients injected directly into the skin to provide nutrients or create biological stimulation. From there, the desired treatment response is achieved. Thanks to the direct delivery of nutrients deep into the skin, the treatment effectiveness will be many times higher than using conventional skin care products.

Meso là gì

The origin of ”injectable drugs”

Mesotherapy is not the title of the active ingredient but the name of the method. The market has many manufacturers of active ingredients for meso injection, from many sources with countless different prices. Therefore, very few beauty establishments will reveal to you the exact meso active ingredient injected into the skin. At Lunaria, we are proud to use the world’s leading premium medicine with full FDA certification. Furthermore, you will be able to ”publicize” the medicine brand name as well as ingredients will put into your skin.

What facial problems does Mesotherapy treat?

Provides necessary nutrients for damaged and aging skin in treatment and recovery period.

Stimulates collagen production response, skin regeneration, tissue regeneration, and wound healing.

Tightens sagging aging skin areas lacking autologous fat to improve aesthetics and increase collagen production

Skin rejuvenation: Meso injections bring nutrients into the skin that naturally stimulate collagen growth for the skin. This helps our skin become firm and shiny.

Skin whitening: Nutrients injected into the skin have the effect of removing and preventing the formation of skin pigmentation. Hence, Mesotherapy is considered an effective method to support skin pigmentation disorders such as melasma, dark spots, freckles, and post-acne dark spots.

What are the problems with Meso injections (Mesotherapy) in Vietnam?

There are huge outstanding benefits compared to surface-based methods such as applying cosmetics and Meso injections (Mesotherapy), which are sought after by many women, bringing a lot of revenue for the Spas.

Because of the overwhelming popularity of this method that it has led to greed. Not many spas invest time and money in deep learning, they only want to earn benefit quickly by applying this method for their customers cause they subjectively think the probability of risk is too small.


With the uncontrolled proliferation of the beauty industry, spa establishments are springing up “like mushrooms after a rain”. Many spa confidently apply Mesotherapy even without get a specialized certificate of their own. This has left many unfortunate consequences for customers since they subjectively believe that this is a “less invasive” therapy.

Some others even choose to import drugs with unknown origin because of their desire for low prices, high profits or lack of understanding. This leads to many tragedies such as leaving injection scars, dark spots or more seriously, mild necrosis. That is the results of giving the wrong trust to beauty salons that lack credibility, low skills, and greed.

If you got these signs, the patient needs to be re-examined and antibiotics are needed for treatment. Infections are common when injecting Meso in environments that are not guaranteed to be clean out bacteria.


Although meso injection is a non-invasive injection method, there can still be risks if the injection is performed at a poor quality, unreliable location or by an inexperienced doctor.

Therefore, please carefully refer to the address and consult your doctor to know your body’s ability of respond before deciding to inject Mesotherapy.

Currently, on the market there are many beauty places that apply the Meso injection method. At each location, the price is also different due to the different sources of medicine, professional experience and costs of each facility.

According to Lunaria Skin Lab, finding the place to inject Meso should first be based on your understanding of your own needs:

  • What skin problems are you having and what do you want to improve?
  • What is your maximum available budget?
  • What do you prioritize: efficiency, safety or price?

After that, you need to equip yourself and research carefully with the right knowledge from dermatologists. However, in the current context of “Thach Sanh has few, Ly Thong has many” (Good people are few, scammers are many) in nowaday, you also need some basic criteria to choose your expert.


Considered a safe therapy, Mesotherapy can still cause unfortunate complications. Typically, injections are contraindicated for inflamed acne-prone skin, infections, blood clotting disorders, or allergies to drug ingredients. So, choose a reputable facility with in-depth knowledge and high technique.v

Some criteria can include:

  • Degrees and certifications of experts
  • Expert knowledge: Do they have clear, coherent answers and suitable solutions for you?
  • Actual cases of successful treatment (Feedback)
  • Business culture
  • Products used in treatment

But sometimes those things can still be faked or exaggerated.


Each person’s body is dissimilar and their lifestyle and nutrition are also individual. So to get an accurate answer yes or no, you should meet an expert directly.

It is extremely necessary to meet in-person with a skin master – someone with professional experience and practice through hundreds of patients.

Only by looking with the naked eye can revealed types of skin problems. It’s impossible to guess exactly just by looking at phone photos with different lighting conditions.